Manure and soil being shown in hands.

For gardeners who value nature

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From stable to sustainable

Our all natural well-rotted horse manure is the future of sustainable growing. Puckamuck enriches the soil with organic nutrients, promoting healthy plant growth with harmful chemicals. Puckamuck is the key to a greener, more sustainable future for growers alike.

Our tractor delivering a load.

Naturally sourced

No bulking ingredients such as green waste or other profit making additives found in some soil enhancing composts.

Accelerate Growth

Delivering a high-standard, peat-free manure that is a natural growth accelerator for plants and vegetables.

Ready to use

Our shredded stable manure is fully aged by us so you can use it straight away to mulch, top dress or turn into the soil.

Require a larger amount

Depending on your site and location we can also deliver a 7.5m3 and a 12m3 metre load of Puckamuck.

Enquire Now
Our tractor delivering a load.